martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009

LABOR MARKET I (त्रदुक्टोर गूगल)


The size of the population of a country is the determining factor in the labor force available to that country. The total population of USA is 306,050,595 people (as of 20.03.2009).
Overall world population has had significant increases in the last two years due to increasing birth rates and declining infant mortality rates and overall mortality. This has led to increased life expectancy in the countries.

All this improvement and global population growth has resulted from advances in medicine, improvement of general conditions of sanitation, the discovery of vaccines against diseases that cause high mortality, such as cholera, typhus, leprosy, etc. .

Moreover, the increased schooling of the population and declining rates anafalbetismo have determined that the public is more concerned with their welfare. Advances in agriculture have allowed the earth to produce a greater amount of food for a larger population, however people who suffer from hunger is still impressively large.

It's called income per capita or income per capita on the relationship between national product and population. If the population grows faster than output, output per capita is falling, if the product nacionakl grows faster than population, per capita income increases.

This relationship is the basis of Malthus' law, which states that food, national product, tend to grow in arithmetic progression and the population grows in geometric progression. This would lead to product per capita of a country would always be lower, a process that would continue until you reach a subsistence level, which would be a natural brake to population growth ... the classical economists called this the iron law or the iron law of wages, as the subsistence level acted as a brake on the growth of hard working people ..
(SOURCE: Patric Selection of Notes in Economics)

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